How to Integrate with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs
This page gives a quick high-level overview on how to get started with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.
Regions and Releases
Avaya Experience Platform™ is available in the following regions. Each Avaya Experience Platform™ region has its own API host. Take note of your API host below:
Region | Host Region | API URL |
Asia Pacific | ap | |
Australia | au | |
Canada | ca | |
Europe | eu | |
North America | na | |
South America | sa | |
United Kingdom | uk | |
Make sure to replace "HOST-REGION" with your Avaya Experience Platform™ Host Region Prefix in the API URL
When reading the documentation on this site and using Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs, make sure to replace the HOST-REGION part of the URL with your Avaya Experience Platform™ Host Region as defined in the above table.
For Example: If my Avaya Experience Platform™ subscription is in the North America region, you will then need to replace HOST-REGION with na when using the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.
Avaya Experience Platform™ API Flow
Process for testing and integrating with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs:
Step | User Persona | Description |
Copy the Account ID | Account (Tenant) Administrator | The Accounts page in Avaya Experience Platform™ Administration has Account ID which can be copied for use in the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs. |
Register External Client/Application | Avaya Experience Platform™ Administrator | Mandatory for the customer to request at least one Client Application from an Avaya Experience Platform™ Administrator. This gives the customer a Client ID, Client Secret which can be later used to acquire a bearer token and on registering an app, application key would be provided which can be used along with access token to invoke Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs. |
Browse Avaya Experience Platform™ API Documentation on the Developer Portal | Developer | The documentation available here on our API References. Developers can Sign Up to access additional API documentation and leave comments. |
Acquire Access Tokens | Developer | How to authenticate with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs documents the authentication flow for the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs. |
Invoke Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs | Developer | Developers use the Account ID, Access Token, and Application Key retrieved earlier to integrate the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs into their applications. |
Contribute to Discussions and view Changelog, FAQs, Troubleshooting | Developer | Developers can provide feedback and ask questions by using Discussions. Developers can also provide direct feedback and leave a comment at the bottom of any page on Developers can view the Changelog along with important questions tagged as FAQs in the Discussions section. |
Updated 6 months ago