How to Integrate with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs

This page gives a quick high-level overview on how to get started with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.

Regions and Releases

Avaya Experience Platform™ is available in the following regions. Each Avaya Experience Platform™ region has its own API host. Take note of your API host below:


Make sure to replace "HOST-REGION" with your Avaya Experience Platform™ Host Region Prefix in the API URL

When reading the documentation on this site and using Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs, make sure to replace the HOST-REGION part of the URL with your Avaya Experience Platform™ Host Region as defined in the above table.

For Example: If my Avaya Experience Platform™ subscription is in the North America region, you will then need to replace HOST-REGION with na when using the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.

Avaya Experience Platform™ API Flow

Process for testing and integrating with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs:

StepUser PersonaDescription
Copy the Account IDAccount (Tenant) AdministratorThe Accounts page in Avaya Experience Platform™ Administration has Account ID which can be copied for use in the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.
Register External Client/ApplicationAvaya Experience Platform™ AdministratorMandatory for the customer to request at least one Client Application from an Avaya Experience Platform™ Administrator.

This gives the customer a Client ID, Client Secret which can be later used to acquire a bearer token and on registering an app, application key would be provided which can be used along with access token to invoke Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.
Browse Avaya Experience Platform™ API Documentation on the Developer PortalDeveloperThe documentation available here on our API References.

Developers can Sign Up to access additional API documentation and leave comments.
Acquire Access TokensDeveloperHow to authenticate with Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs documents the authentication flow for the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs.
Invoke Avaya Experience Platform™ APIsDeveloperDevelopers use the Account ID, Access Token, and Application Key retrieved earlier to integrate the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs into their applications.
Contribute to Discussions and view Changelog, FAQs, TroubleshootingDeveloperDevelopers can provide feedback and ask questions by using Discussions.

Developers can also provide direct feedback and leave a comment at the bottom of any page on

Developers can view the Changelog along with important questions tagged as FAQs in the Discussions section.