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Custom Liver Cirrhosis Models

Ace Therapeutics has extensive hands-on experience in the field of experimental model construction for liver disease. Our scientists will provide you with the most scientific experimental model construction service for liver cirrhosis.

swagger or openapi definitions for the APIs?

does anybody know where can I find some swagger or openapi definition files for the various APIs?

Generic CRM

Hi, How to build the Generic CRM URL to be embedded on an iframe?

Read out customers message on messaging channel

We use messaging channel and now Im wondering if its possible to read out the message a customer sends into the interaction through the API from a custom widget?

Widget API Bearer Token

Hi I see there is a getBearerToken method in the widget framework ( https://documentation.workspaces.avayacloud.com/widget-framework/docs/api-reference/widget-api/widget-api-methods#getbearertoken ). Can someone please explain to me what exactly this token could be used for? Can it be used against AxP APIs? How does someone validate this token?