Bundle JS for Reference Chat Client?
Today, the AXP reference chat client comes in multiple JS files (avaya-ccaas-chat-sdk.js, chat-client.js, main.js, en.js, language-switcher.js). Our customer has a provisioning that can only auto-deploy a single bundled JS to their website. How can these files be merged into one?
Posted by Ray Rowan 11 months ago
Problem with AxP ChatSDK downloaded from DevConnect
I am trying to use the sample in the ChatSDK to better understand the integration. The SDK uses Node JS v14.61.1 which is EOL and almost EOS. As consequence I get errors when I follow the instructions in the README files. Several of the npm steps return missing dependencies and the npm run build step for the client widget fails entirely with "Error: Cannot find module 'terser-webpack-plugin'."
My questions are
- Has anyone recently downloaded this SDK and gotten it to work?
- Is there an upgraded version of the SDK that uses at least Node JS v16 or preferably v18?
Posted by Glen A Taylor 12 months ago