Callback Detail
This Measure Producer calculates measures relating to the callbacks. A callback occurs when the originator of a call is immediately called back in a second call as a response. Multiple callback attempts can be performed if the agent cannot reach the originator.
ProcessorType: Journal (JRNL)
Data dictionary
- Duration and Time measures are expressed in milli-seconds.
- This Measure Producer does not generate "INITIALIZATION" data, only realtime updates.
Measure | Type | Example | Description |
agentDisplayName | String | John, Smith | Display Name which is provided when user is added in application center. |
agentFirstName | String | John | Agent's first name as defined in application center. |
agentId | String | 68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757 | The unique identifier for the agent. |
agentLastName | String | Smith | Agent's last name as defined in application center. |
agentLoginId | String | [email protected] | Login Id provided when a new user is created in application center. |
attributes | String | [{category: 'Language', values: ['English']}, {category: 'Support', values: ['Technical']}] | The attributes associated with the initial customer engagement. Attributes are dynamic and are specific to each tenant. |
callbackAttempts | Number | 3 | The number of callback attempts by the agent |
callbackId | String | 68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757 | The unique identifier for the callback. |
callbackCreatedTimestamp | Date | 1678964609928 | The timestamp when the callback was requested. (epoch format). |
callbackEndedTimestamp | Date | 1678964703925 | The callbackEndedTimestamp is the timestamp for when the callback workflow is complete. It encompasses all attempts and is in epoch format. If the callback is in progress, the callbackEndedTimestamp value will not appear in the JSON message. |
customerPhoneNumber | String | +353 91 000 000 | The customer telephone number for the callback |
engagementId | String | a8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31 | The unique identifier associated with the engagement. |
callbackEngagementId | String | a8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31 | The unique identifier associated with the callback engagement. |
queueId | String | 9a7b4678-fd25-4bd2-84f3-70828f9fd07a | Id of the Queue. |
queueName | String | Default | Indicates the queue name of the engagement. |
status | String | PENDING | Indicates the status of the callback. Possible values: PENDING, DELIVERED, TERMINATED. |
terminationReason | String | MAX_ATTEMPTS_REACHED | The reason for the callback being terminated. Possible values: Max Retries, Cancelled by the Customer, Outside Business Hours |
Sample data
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Updated 4 months ago