Historical Data


The Historical Data API provides access to Analytics historical reporting data via a REST API interface.
The API is available in two versions: v1 and v2.
v1: Provides fixed headers in all reports. Any new measures will not be included in these reports.
v2: Provides dynamic headers in all reports. This means that any new measures will automatically be included in the reports.
New measures will be included only in v2 reports.

Before you begin

Refer to How to Authenticate with the Avaya Experience Platform™ APIs required to invoke Historical APIs. Historical APIs requires Reporting user role for access.


The Historical API can be used to retrieve a list of available dimension names as well as the dimension data itself.

A Dimension is a collection of related contact center objects used to provide a view of measurement data.

For a full list of the available columnHeaders for Dimensions see Dimension Headers.

Get the List of Dimension Names

The following is an example of the payload returned when a request for dimension names is made.

GET /dimensions:getNames




Get Dimension Data

The following is an example of the payload returned when a request for specific agent dimension data is made.

GET /dimensions/{dimensionName}



Expand for sample response ...
  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "agent_id",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_login_id",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_first_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_last_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_display_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_user_handle",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_type",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "row_active_date",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "row_inactive_date",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "active_record",
      "type": "boolean"
      "name": "is_unknown",
      "type": "boolean"
      "name": "last_changed",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "redacted",
      "type": "boolean"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "9999-12-31 00:00:00+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:31:13.066584+00",
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/dimensions/agents?filter=agent_id:123456&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000&pageSize=20"

Reports and Report Data

The Historical API can be used to retrieve a list of available report names as well as the report data itself.

A Report is a collection of contact center measurements related to a particular dimension.

For a full list of the available columnHeaders for Reports see Report Headers.

Types of Historical Reports

The Historical Reporting API can be used to retrieve either Interval or Daily data.

  • Interval data is calculated at every 15 minutes as outlined in the table below.
  • Daily data is a roll up of Interval data at the end of each particular day.

The following table shows the available Intervals that data can be retrieved for.

hh:00This 15 minute interval starts at the top of the hour and stops at 15 minutes past the hour
hh:15This 15 minute interval starts at quarter past the hour and stops at 30 minutes past the hour
hh:30This 15 minute interval starts at half past the hour and stops at quarter to the hour
hh:45This 15 minute interval starts at the quarter to the hour and stops at the top of the hour

The following reports are available to retrieve historical data using the API.

Report NameDescription
AgentIntervalThis report represents historical data at the Agent level for each 15 minute interval
AgentDailyThis report represents historical data at the Agent level for each day
QueueIntervalThis report represents historical data at the Queue level for each 15 minute interval
QueueDailyThis report represents historical data at the Queue level for each day
QueueByChannelIntervalThis report represents historical data at the Queue level for each Channel and for each 15 minute interval
QueueByChannelDailyThis report represents historical data at the Queue level for each Channel and for each day
AgentByChannelIntervalThis report represents historical data at the Agent level for each Channel and for each 15 minute interval
AgentByChannelDailyThis report represents historical data at the Agent level for each Channel and for each day
AgentByQueueIntervalThis report represents historical data at the Agent level for each Queue and for each 15 minute interval
AgentByQueueDailyThis report represents historical data at the Agent level for each Queue and for each day
EngagementDetailThis report represents historical data at the Engagement Level for each 15 minute interval
AgentLoginLogoutThis report represents historical data at Agent level for each agent login/logout

Interval Filter Usage

The following reports types are available:

  • Daily reports
    • For daily reports interval datetime means day and requires YYYYMMDD format.
  • Interval reports
    • For interval reports interval datetime means beginning of 15 minutes interval and requires YYYYMMDDHHmm format.
    • If interval range contains both 'starting' and 'ending' datetimes then 'ending' interval is not included in the report.
    • Note, The minute ('mm') portion can be 00, 15, 30 or 45. The API will return an error if neither of these values are specified
      • If you specify a datetime of YYYYMMDD1001 an error will be returned. The correct value should be YYYYMMDD1000 which indicates data will be retrieved for the interval 10:00 - 10:15
      • If you specify a datetime of YYYYMMDD1014 an error will be returned. The correct value should be YYYYMMDD1015 which indicates data will be retrieved for the interval 10:15 - 10:30
      • If you want to retrieve data from 00:00 - 14:59 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD0000,ending:YYYYMMDD1500
      • If you want to retrieve data from 15:00 - 23:59 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD1500,ending:YYYYMMDD0000 (ending at midnight next day)
  • EngagementDetail report
    • For EngagementDetail report interval datetime means beginning of 15 minutes interval and requires YYYYMMDDHHmm format.
    • If interval range contains both 'starting' and 'ending' datetimes then 'ending' interval is included in the report.
    • Note, The minute ('mm') portion can be 00, 15, 30 or 45. The API will return an error if neither of these values are specified
      • If you specify a datetime of YYYYMMDD1001 an error will be returned. The correct value should be YYYYMMDD1000 which indicates data will be retrieved for the interval 10:00 - 10:15
      • If you specify a datetime of YYYYMMDD1014 an error will be returned. The correct value should be YYYYMMDD1015 which indicates data will be retrieved for the interval 10:15 - 10:30
      • If you want to retrieve data from 00:00 - 14:59 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD0000,ending:YYYYMMDD1445
      • If you want to retrieve data from 15:00 - 23:59 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD1500,ending:YYYYMMDD2345
  • AgentLoginLogout report
    • For AgentLoginLogout report interval datetime can be used in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHmm format.
    • If interval range contains both 'starting' and 'ending' datetimes then 'ending' interval is not included in the report.
      • If you want to retrieve data from 00:00 - 14:59 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD0000,ending:YYYYMMDD1500
      • If you want to retrieve data from 15:00 - 23:59 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD1500,ending:YYYYMMDD0000 (ending at midnight next day)
      • If you want to retrieve data from 15:12 - 15:38 then you need to specify the following: starting:YYYYMMDD1512,ending:YYYYMMDD1539
      • If you want to retrieve data from 2020/12/25 then you need to specify the following: starting:20201225,ending:20201226
      • If you want to retrieve data from 2020/12/25 - 2020/12/27 then you need to specify the following: starting:20201225,ending:20201228

Get the List of Report Names

GET /reports:getNames




Example - Get the AgentDaily report data from September 3rd 2021

GET /reports/{reportName}?interval={value}



Expand for sample response ...
  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "last_changed",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "timezone_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "abandoned_from_alerting",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "active_duration",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "ad_hoc_email_initiated",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "ad_hoc_email_sent",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "alert_duration",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "answered",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "completed",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "forwarded",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "hold",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "hold_duration",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "not_answered",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "observed",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "observed_duration",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "observing",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "observing_duration",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "offered",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_accepted_from_queue",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_accepted_from_user",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_initiated_to_queue",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_initiated_to_user",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_queue_cancelled",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_queue_failed",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_user_cancelled",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_user_failed",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "total_time_not_ready",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_external_cancelled",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_external_failed",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "transfer_to_external_initiated",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "agent_logon_duration",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "agent_id",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_login_id",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_first_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_last_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_display_name",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_user_handle",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "agent_type",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "row_active_date",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "row_inactive_date",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "active_record",
      "type": "boolean"
      "name": "is_unknown",
      "type": "boolean"
      "name": "last_changed",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "redacted",
      "type": "boolean"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 14:31:00.967772+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 14:31:00.967772+00",
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentDaily?interval=202109031000&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000&pageSize=20"

Example - Get the AgentDaily report data on or after September 3rd 2021

GET /reports/{reportName}?interval={value}



Expand for sample response ...

Note, some columnHeaders have been omitted in the following response for readability.

  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "interval_start_timestamp",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "redacted",
      "type": "boolean"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 14:31:00.967772+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 14:31:00.967772+00",
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentDaily?interval=starting:202109031000&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000&pageSize=20"

Example - Get the AgentDaily report from September 4th 2022 or earlier

GET /reports/{reportName}?interval={value}



Expand for sample response ...

Note, some columnHeaders have been omitted in the following response for readability.

  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "interval_start_timestamp",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "redacted",
      "type": "boolean"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 14:31:00.967772+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 14:31:00.967772+00",
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentDaily?interval=ending:202109041000&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000&pageSize=20"

Example - Get the AgentDaily report data between September 4th 2021 and September 7th 2021

GET /reports/{reportName}?interval={value}



Expand for sample response ...

Note, some columnHeaders have been omitted in the following response for readability.

  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "interval_start_timestamp",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "redacted",
      "type": "boolean"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-04 14:31:01.056068+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-04 14:31:01.056068+00",
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentDaily?interval=ending:202109041000&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000&pageSize=20"

Example - Get the AgentInterval report data for all agents whose IDs start with 'ecd42fec' and for data between 10am and 11am on September 3rd 2021

GET /reports/{reportName}?interval={value}



Expand for sample response ...

Note, some columnHeaders have been omitted in the following response for readability.

  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "interval_start_timestamp",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "redacted",
      "type": "boolean"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:31:00.976658+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:31:00.976658+00",
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentInterval?filter=agent_id:ecd42fec*&interval=starting:202109031000,ending:2022109031100&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000&pageSize=20"

Example - Using Token Pagination for iterating over AgentByChannelInterval report data by 2 records per page

GET /reports/{reportName}?pageSize={value}



Expand for sample response ...

Note, some columnHeaders have been omitted in the following response for readability.

  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "interval_start_timestamp",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "last_changed",
      "type": "string"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:31:00.976658+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:31:00.976658+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:31:00.976658+00"
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentByChannelInterval?pageSize=2&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"

Use the next link provided in the response above to retrieve the next page of AgentByChannelInterval data



Expand for sample response ...

Note, some columnHeaders have been omitted in the following response for readability.

  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": "interval_start_timestamp",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "last_changed",
      "type": "string"
  "records": [
      "2021-09-03 10:30:00+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:46:00.976268+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:46:00.976268+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:15:00+00",
      "2021-09-28 07:21:14.046617+00",
      "2021-09-03 10:46:00.976268+00"
  "pagination": {
    "pageSize": 20,
    "prevPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440023",
    "nextPageToken": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"
  "links": {
    "prev": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentByChannelInterval?pageSize=2&prevPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440023",
    "next": "https://HOST-REGION.cc.avayacloud.com/api/analytics/historical/v1beta/accounts/{accountId}/reports/AgentByChannelInterval?pageSize=2&nextPageToken=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000"

Use the prev or next links provided in the response above to retrieve the previous or next page of AgentByChannelInterval data

Data Types

Note, all column values are encoded as strings, it is the responsibility of a client to convert it to any other type.

TypeHeader TypeExampleDescription
Numbernumber5374Integer number.
  • t
  • f
String encoded boolean value where "t" represents "True" and "f" represents "False"
StringstringJohn, SmithUnicode string.
DateTimestring2021-09-09 14:15:00+00UTC date-time formatted string.

Dimension Headers

Agent Dimension Headers

agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 23:31:34.649615+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request

Queue Dimension Headers

queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
queue_idStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe description of the queue
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the queue is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the queue_id but do not have the queue name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
row_active_dateDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:45.129+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:57.47235+00The date and time at which the queue dimension record was last altered

Report Headers for v1

Interval Report Headers

Headers that exist only in Interval reports

etl_ticket_idNumber3The unique id of the record processed by ETL
interval_start_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The UTC timestamp of the beginning of the interval in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval in format YYYYMMDDHH24MI (YYYY - a year, DD - a day of a month, MM - a month 1-12, HH24 - an hour 00-23, MI - minutes: 00, 15, 30, 45)

Daily Report Headers

Headers that exist only in Daily reports

day_skNumber20220620The unique id of the day in format YYYYMMDD (YYYY - a year, MM - a month 1-12, DD - a day of a month)
rollup_seq_idNumber3The unique id of the aggregated record used for pagination
timezone_nameStringAustralia/SydneyThe time zone associated with the record

Agent Report Headers

agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 16:31:33.563795+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
active_durationNumber918000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber390000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_initiatedNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements initiated by an agent within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_sentNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements sent by an agent within the reporting period
agent_logon_durationNumber2100000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent has been logged in within the reporting period
agent_nr_reason_code_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent was in a Not Ready state while using a reason code during the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by agent
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent
comp_logon_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent was logged in during the reporting period
comp_nr_reason_durationNumber30000The amount of time an agent was in a Not Ready state while using a reason code during the reporting period
comp_total_time_not_readyNumber3The amount of time the agent has been in a 'Not Ready' state during the reporting period
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
external_calls_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent on external calls during the reporting period
external_voice_callsNumber3A count of external voice calls made by the agent within the reporting period
forwardedNumber3A count of engagements forwarded by the agent within the reporting period
holdNumber3A count of engagements that were placed on hold within the reporting period
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
idle_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent is not active on an engagement but available for work within the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the agent within the reporting period
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed within the reporting period
total_time_not_readyNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent has been in a Not Ready state within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_initiatedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request

AgentByChannel Report Headers

channel_skNumber3The unique id of the channel in a database
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 23:31:34.649615+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3A count of the number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_initiatedNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements initiated by an agent within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_sentNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements sent by an agent within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by agent by channel
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
channel_idle_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent is available for work but is not active on an engagement by channel within the reporting period
channel_logon_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent was logged in to the channel within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
comp_exclusivity_durationNumber30000The total amount of time the agent spent in the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority)
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent by channel
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
exclusivity_countNumber3The count of times the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority) was activated
exclusivity_durationNumber30000The total amount of time the agent spent in the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority)
forwardedNumber3A count of engagements forwarded by the agent within the reporting period
holdNumber3A count of engagements that were placed on hold within the reporting period
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by agent by channel
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the agent within the reporting period, by channel
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that was cancelled
transfer_to_external_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that failed
transfer_to_external_initiatedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
comp_in_focus_active_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The metric increments when the transferred interaction is completed if the tranferred interaction gets focus at least once.
comp_in_focus_active_durationNumber30000The total in-focus active duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The interval includes the time an agent is active during an interaction, but excludes any voice-hold duration.
comp_in_focus_acw_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active ACW phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. The metric increments when the ACW phase of the interaction is completed.
comp_in_focus_acw_durationNumber30000The total in-focus ACW duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the active phase of the ACW is completed in the interval.
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request
channel_idStringVoiceThe unique id of the channel associated with this data
channel_descStringThe voice channel provider.The channel description

AgentByQueue Report Headers

queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 23:31:34.649615+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagement that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by agent by queue
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent by queue
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
holdNumber3A count of engagements that were placed on hold within the reporting period
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by agent by queue
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the agent within the reporting period, by queue
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account

Queue Report Headers

queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:57.47235+00The date and time at which the queue dimension record was last altered
abandoned_before_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements abandoned before the specific threshold on queue or while alerting at an agent
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
abandoned_from_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while they were queueing for an agent within the reporting period
abandon_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds before the engagement was abandoned on a specific queue within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by queue
answered_after_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements answered after the specific threshold for the queue
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by queue
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by queue
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period
offered_to_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
wait_timeNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the engagement was in a queued state within the reporting period
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the queue is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the queue_id but do not have queue name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key

QueueByChannel Report Headers

QueueByChannel Report Header FieldsTypeExampleDescription
channel_skNumber3The unique id of the channel in a database
queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:57.47235+00The date and time at which the queue dimension record was last altered
abandoned_before_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements abandoned before the specific threshold on queue or while alerting at an agent
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
abandoned_from_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while they were queueing for an agent within the reporting period
abandon_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds before the engagement was abandoned on a specific queue within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by queue by channel
answered_after_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements answered after the specific threshold for the queue
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent by queue by channel
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by queue by channel
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period, by channel
offered_to_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period, by channel
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
wait_timeNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the engagement was in a queued state within the reporting period
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
comp_in_focus_active_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The metric increments when the transferred interaction is completed if the tranferred interaction gets focus at least once.
comp_in_focus_active_durationNumber30000The total in-focus active duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The interval includes the time an agent is active during an interaction, but excludes any voice-hold duration.
comp_in_focus_acw_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active ACW phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. The metric increments when the ACW phase of the interaction is completed.
comp_in_focus_acw_durationNumber30000The total in-focus ACW duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the active phase of the ACW is completed in the interval.
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the queue is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the queue_id but do not have the queue name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
channel_idStringVoiceThe unique id of the channel associated with this data
channel_descStringThe voice channel provider.The channel description

EngagementDetail Report Headers

EngagementDetail Report
Header Fields
disposition_code_skNumber3The unique id of the disposition code in a database
queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
etl_ticket_idNumber3The unique id of the record processed by ETL
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement was last altered
partition_keyNumber20220620The id representing dialog_start_time in format YYYYMMDD that is used for partitioning in a database
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement is redacted
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was abandoned
acw_end_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:22:00+00The timestamp of when ACW ended in the engagement
acw_end_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when ACW ended in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was in ACW
acw_start_timestampDateTime2022-05-20 16:13:00+00The timestamp of when ACW started in the engagement
acw_start_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201600The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when ACW started in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the agent initiated the disconnect
answered_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:22:00+00The timestamp that the agent answered the engagement
answered_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the agent answered the engagement
barge_end_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:22:00+00The timestamp of when the barge ended in the engagement
barge_end_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the barge ended in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was barged into
barge_start_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The timestamp of when the barge started in the engagement
barge_start_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the barge started in the engagement
barge_timestampDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The timestamp of when the barge started in the engagement (not active)
barge_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the barge started in the engagement (not active)
business_accountnameStringacme-business-accountBusiness account name
calling_numberString086 3596584Phone number for receipt of the call
channel_idStringVoiceThe unique id of the channel associated with this data
channel_typeStringVoiceDescription of the channel type
  • t
  • f
Indicates if coaching occurred in the engagement
coach_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The timestamp of when coaching occurred in the engagement
coach_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when coaching occurred in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult or consult-to-queue that results in a conference
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult to an external contact that resulted in the conference for the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if a consult-to-queue request for the engagement was accepted by an agent
  • t
  • f
Indicates if a consult-to-user request for the engagement was accepted by an agent
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-queue for the engagement that may or may not be accepted by the consulted queue
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-user for the engagement that may or may not be accepted by the consulted agent
  • t
  • f
Indicates the consults initiated by an agent to an external number and it accepted by the external party
consult_to_external_numberStringE1:1996da2394d9121638os56te8af46bbe231c953fExternal Address the agent consulted
dialled_numberString087 3496584Phone number from call being sent
dialog_end_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the dialog ended
dialog_end_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the dialog ended
dialog_idString97780bb0-9b5f-4fdf-ad1d-696f68f0581dThe unique id of the dialog for this contact detail record
dialog_start_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:15.393005+00The date and time at which the dialog started
dialog_start_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202030The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the dialog started
directionStringINCOMINGDirection of the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was an emergency one
engagement_end_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement ended
engagement_end_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement ended
engagement_idString8852f5df-ad50-494f-b0ce-6929b24160aThe unique ID for the engagement
engagement_offered_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement was first offered
engagement_offered_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement was first offered
engagement_queued_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement was first queued
engagement_queued_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement was first queued
engagement_sourceStringwhatsappThe external system that was the source of the engagement that is being generated into AXP
engagement_start_timeDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The date and time at which the engagement started
engagement_start_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement started
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was an external call
external_participant_idStringmary@gmail.comThe unique id of the external customer
message_typeStringchatType of message
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was observed
offered_attributesString[Language.English]The attributes for the engagement offered to an agent
provider_idString858836c8-c011-48d8-8e3a-60eba09c4445The unique identifier of the channel provider for the engagement
queued_attributesString[Language.English]The attributes for the engagement while on queue
send_fromStringcustomer1@gmail.comAddress of the sender
send_toStringcustomer3@gmail.comAddress of the recipient
source_addressStringcustomer3@gmail.comThe source address is intended to represent the address from which the CCaaS engagement was created
subjectStringTop AgentsSubject matter of the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was transferred
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-external that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-queue that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-user that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement
supervisor_skNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to get agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement is unknown
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
disposition_code_idString1The unique id of the disposition code associated with this data
disposition_code_typeStringNOT_READYThe type of the reason code
disposition_code_nameStringLunchThe number of the reason code
disposition_code_numberString1112Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
disposition_code_descriptionStringCode descriptionIndicates if this queue is the default queue for the account

AgentLoginLogout Report Headers

AgentLoginLogout Report Header FieldsTypeExampleDescription
etl_ticket_idNumber3The unique id of the record processed by ETL
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to get agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
login_timestampDateTime2022-09-20 16:15:00+00The timestamp of when agent logged in
logout_timestampDateTime2022-09-20 16:15:00+00The timestamp of when agent logged out
logon_durationNumber2100000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent has been logged in within the reporting period

Report Headers for v2

Interval Report Headers

Headers that exist only in Interval reports

etl_ticket_idNumber3The unique id of the record processed by ETL
interval_start_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The UTC timestamp of the beginning of the interval in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval in format YYYYMMDDHH24MI (YYYY - a year, DD - a day of a month, MM - a month 1-12, HH24 - an hour 00-23, MI - minutes: 00, 15, 30, 45)

Daily Report Headers

Headers that exist only in Daily reports

day_skNumber20220620The unique id of the day in format YYYYMMDD (YYYY - a year, MM - a month 1-12, DD - a day of a month)
rollup_seq_idNumber3The unique id of the aggregated record used for pagination
timezone_nameStringAustralia/SydneyThe time zone associated with the record

Agent Report Headers

agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 16:31:33.563795+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
active_durationNumber918000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber390000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_initiatedNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements initiated by an agent within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_sentNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements sent by an agent within the reporting period
agent_logon_durationNumber2100000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent has been logged in within the reporting period
agent_nr_reason_code_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent was in a Not Ready state while using a reason code during the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by agent
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
external_calls_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent on external calls during the reporting period
external_voice_callsNumber3A count of external voice calls made by the agent within the reporting period
forwardedNumber3A count of engagements forwarded by the agent within the reporting period
holdNumber3A count of engagements that were placed on hold within the reporting period
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
idle_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent is not active on an engagement but available for work within the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the agent within the reporting period
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed within the reporting period
total_time_not_readyNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent has been in a Not Ready state within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_initiatedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
comp_logon_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent was logged in during the reporting period
comp_nr_reason_durationNumber30000The amount of time an agent was in a Not Ready state while using a reason code during the reporting period
comp_total_time_not_readyNumber3The amount of time the agent has been in a 'Not Ready' state during the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queue_with_draftNumber3A count of the email engagements with draft that were transferred by the agent to queue within the reporting interval
transfer_initiated_to_user_with_draftNumber3A count of the email engagements with draft that were transferred by the agent to their supervisor or another agent within the reporting interval
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request

AgentByChannel Report Headers

channel_skNumber3The unique id of the channel in a database
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 23:31:34.649615+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3A count of the number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_initiatedNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements initiated by an agent within the reporting period
ad_hoc_email_sentNumber3A count of outbound e-mail engagements sent by an agent within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by agent by channel
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
channel_idle_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent is available for work but is not active on an engagement by channel within the reporting period
channel_logon_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent was logged in to the channel within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent by channel
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
forwardedNumber3A count of engagements forwarded by the agent within the reporting period
holdNumber3A count of engagements that were placed on hold within the reporting period
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by agent by channel
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the agent within the reporting period, by channel
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_external_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that was cancelled
transfer_to_external_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer that failed
transfer_to_external_initiatedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated an external transfer within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
comp_exclusivity_durationNumber30000The total amount of time the agent spent in the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority)
exclusivity_countNumber3The count of times the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority) was activated
exclusivity_durationNumber30000The total amount of time the agent spent in the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority)
comp_in_focus_active_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The metric increments when the transferred interaction is completed if the tranferred interaction gets focus at least once.
comp_in_focus_active_durationNumber30000The total in-focus active duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The interval includes the time an agent is active during an interaction, but excludes any voice-hold duration.
comp_in_focus_acw_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active ACW phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. The metric increments when the ACW phase of the interaction is completed.
comp_in_focus_acw_durationNumber30000The total in-focus ACW duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the active phase of the ACW is completed in the interval.
transfer_initiated_to_queue_with_draftNumber3A count of the email engagements with draft that were transferred by the agent to queue within the reporting interval
transfer_initiated_to_user_with_draftNumber3A count of the email engagements with draft that were transferred by the agent to their supervisor or another agent within the reporting interval
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request
channel_idStringVoiceThe unique id of the channel associated with this data
channel_descStringThe voice channel provider.The channel description

AgentByQueue Report Headers

queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 23:31:34.649615+00The date and time at which the agent dimension record was last altered
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagement that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by agent by queue
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent by queue
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
holdNumber3A count of engagements that were placed on hold within the reporting period
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by agent by queue
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the agent within the reporting period, by queue
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queue_with_draftNumber3A count of the email engagements with draft that were transferred by the agent to queue within the reporting interval
transfer_initiated_to_user_with_draftNumber3A count of the email engagements with draft that were transferred by the agent to their supervisor or another agent within the reporting interval
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account

Queue Report Headers

queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:57.47235+00The date and time at which the queue dimension record was last altered
abandoned_before_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements abandoned before the specific threshold on queue or while alerting at an agent
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
abandoned_from_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while they were queueing for an agent within the reporting period
abandon_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds before the engagement was abandoned on a specific queue within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by queue
answered_after_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements answered after the specific threshold for the queue
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by queue
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by queue
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period
offered_to_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer directly to that agent within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to another user within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_user_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a user that failed within the reporting period
wait_timeNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the engagement was in a queued state within the reporting period
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the queue is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the queue_id but do not have queue name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key

QueueByChannel Report Headers

QueueByChannel Report Header FieldsTypeExampleDescription
channel_skNumber3The unique id of the channel in a database
queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:57.47235+00The date and time at which the queue dimension record was last altered
abandoned_before_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements abandoned before the specific threshold on queue or while alerting at an agent
abandoned_from_alertingNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while the engagement was alerting at the agent within the reporting period
abandoned_from_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements that were abandoned by the customer while they were queueing for an agent within the reporting period
abandon_time_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds before the engagement was abandoned on a specific queue within the reporting period
active_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds an agent spent working answered engagements simultaneously within the reporting period
acw_countNumber3The number of times an agent entered After Call Work within the reporting period
acw_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent was in an After Call Work following the completion of a engagement within the reporting period
alert_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the agent had an engagement alerting within the reporting period
answeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements answered within the reporting period by queue by channel
answered_after_thresholdNumber3A count of engagements answered after the specific threshold for the queue
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was barged out of an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
barged_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was barged out of an engagement within the reporting period
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor barged in on an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
barging_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor barged in on an engagement within the reporting period
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
coached_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was coached by a supervisor within the reporting period
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor coached an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
coaching_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was coaching an agent within the reporting period
completedNumber3A count of the number of engagements completed within the reporting period by agent by queue by channel
conference_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements conference accepted by the agent that was a result of a consult
conference_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult to queue
conference_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements conference initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent on the queue that was a result of a consult
consult_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements answered by the agent that was a result of a consult
consulted_durationNumber30000The duration the agent was consulted by another resource
consulting_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another resource
consult_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult to queue
consult_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with another user
hold_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period
not_answeredNumber3Not answered, also known as RONA, is a count of offered engagements that were not answered within the reporting period by queue by channel
observedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was observed on an engagement by a supervisor within the reporting period
observed_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that an agent was observed by a supervisor within the reporting period
observingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor was observing an agent on an engagement within the reporting period
observing_durationNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds that a supervisor was observing within the reporting period
offeredNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period, by channel
offered_to_queueNumber3A count of the number of engagements directed to the queue within the reporting period, by channel
total_engagements_in_acwNumber3The total number of ACW sessions completed within the reporting period
transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements answered by an agent that was a result of a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_cancelledNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that was cancelled within the reporting period
transfer_to_queue_failedNumber3A count of engagements where an agent initiated a transfer to a queue that failed within the reporting period
wait_timeNumber30000The amount of time in milliseconds the engagement was in a queued state within the reporting period
conference_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements conference to an external party
consulting_external_durationNumber30000The duration the agent spent consulting with another external resource
consult_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements where the agent initiated a consult with External
warm_transfer_to_externalNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
warm_transfer_accepted_from_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in a transfer to a user was accepted by a user
warm_transfer_accepted_from_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in a transfer to the user was accepted by the user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_queueNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to a user
warm_transfer_initiated_to_userNumber3A count of engagements where a consult to user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the user
comp_active_durationNumber30000The amount of time the agent spent actively working on the engagement that completed within the reporting period
comp_in_focus_active_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The metric increments when the transferred interaction is completed if the tranferred interaction gets focus at least once.
comp_in_focus_active_durationNumber30000The total in-focus active duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the ACW phase starts or when the interaction is completed without an ACW phase. The interval includes the time an agent is active during an interaction, but excludes any voice-hold duration.
comp_in_focus_acw_countNumber3A count of interactions for which the active ACW phase is completed within the current reporting interval and was in focus in a current or previous reporting interval. The metric increments when the ACW phase of the interaction is completed.
comp_in_focus_acw_durationNumber30000The total in-focus ACW duration of an interaction that completed within the reporting interval. This measure is reported when the active phase of the ACW is completed in the interval.
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the queue is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the queue_id but do not have the queue name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
channel_idStringVoiceThe unique id of the channel associated with this data
channel_descStringThe voice channel provider.The channel description

EngagementDetail Report Headers

EngagementDetail Report
Header Fields
disposition_code_skNumber3The unique id of the disposition code in a database
queue_skNumber3The unique id of the queue in a database
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
etl_ticket_idNumber3The unique id of the record processed by ETL
last_changedDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement was last altered
partition_keyNumber20220620The id representing dialog_start_time in format YYYYMMDD that is used for partitioning in a database
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement is redacted
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was abandoned
acw_end_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:22:00+00The timestamp of when ACW ended in the engagement
acw_end_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when ACW ended in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was in ACW
acw_start_timestampDateTime2022-05-20 16:13:00+00The timestamp of when ACW started in the engagement
acw_start_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201600The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when ACW started in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the agent initiated the disconnect
answered_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:22:00+00The timestamp that the agent answered the engagement
answered_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the agent answered the engagement
barge_end_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:22:00+00The timestamp of when the barge ended in the engagement
barge_end_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the barge ended in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was barged into
barge_start_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The timestamp of when the barge started in the engagement
barge_start_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the barge started in the engagement
barge_timestampDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The timestamp of when the barge started in the engagement (not active)
barge_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the barge started in the engagement (not active)
business_accountnameStringacme-business-accountBusiness account name
calling_numberString086 3596584Phone number for receipt of the call
channel_idStringVoiceThe unique id of the channel associated with this data
channel_typeStringVoiceDescription of the channel type
  • t
  • f
Indicates if coaching occurred in the engagement
coach_timestampDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The timestamp of when coaching occurred in the engagement
coach_timestamp_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when coaching occurred in the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult or consult-to-queue that results in a conference
  • t
  • f
Indicates if a consult-to-queue request for the engagement was accepted by an agent
  • t
  • f
Indicates if a consult-to-user request for the engagement was accepted by an agent
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-queue for the engagement that may or may not be accepted by the consulted queue
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-user for the engagement that may or may not be accepted by the consulted agent
dialled_numberString087 3496584Phone number from call being sent
dialog_end_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the dialog ended
dialog_end_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the dialog ended
dialog_idString97780bb0-9b5f-4fdf-ad1d-696f68f0581dThe unique id of the dialog for this contact detail record
dialog_start_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:32:15.393005+00The date and time at which the dialog started
dialog_start_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202030The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the dialog started
directionStringINCOMINGDirection of the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was an emergency one
engagement_end_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement ended
engagement_end_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement ended
engagement_idString8852f5df-ad50-494f-b0ce-6929b24160aThe unique ID for the engagement
engagement_sourceStringwhatsappThe external system that was the source of the engagement that is being generated into AXP
engagement_start_timeDateTime2022-06-20 16:15:00+00The date and time at which the engagement started
engagement_start_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206201615The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement started
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was an external call
external_participant_idStringmary@gmail.comThe unique id of the external customer
message_typeStringchatType of message
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was observed
offered_attributesString[Language.English]The attributes for the engagement offered to an agent
provider_idString858836c8-c011-48d8-8e3a-60eba09c4445The unique identifier of the channel provider for the engagement
queued_attributesString[Language.English]The attributes for the engagement while on queue
send_fromStringcustomer1@gmail.comAddress of the sender
send_toStringcustomer3@gmail.comAddress of the recipient
subjectStringTop AgentsSubject matter of the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement was transferred
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult to an external contact that resulted in the conference for the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates the consults initiated by an agent to an external number and it accepted by the external party
consult_to_external_numberStringE1:1996da2394d9121638os56te8af46bbe231c953fExternal Address the agent consulted
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-external that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement
engagement_queued_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement was first queued
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-queue that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-user that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement
engagement_queued_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement was first queued
engagement_offered_timeDateTime2022-06-20 20:47:42.393005+00The date and time at which the engagement was first offered
engagement_offered_time_utc_quarter_hour_skNumber202206202045The unique id representing a specific 15-minute interval when the engagement was first offered
source_addressStringcustomer3@gmail.comThe source address is intended to represent the address from which the CCaaS engagement was created
supervisor_skNumber3A count of engagements transfer initiated by the agent that was a result of a consult
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to get agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2021-09-09 14:15:00+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime9999-12-31 00:00:00+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the engagement is unknown
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
queue_idString1The unique id of the queue associated with this data
queue_nameStringDefaultThe name of the queue
queue_descriptionStringDefault queue for this accountThe queue description
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
disposition_code_idString1The unique id of the disposition code associated with this data
disposition_code_typeStringNOT_READYThe type of the reason code
disposition_code_nameStringLunchThe number of the reason code
disposition_code_numberString1112Indicates if this queue is the default queue for the account
disposition_code_descriptionStringCode descriptionIndicates if this queue is the default queue for the account

AgentLoginLogout Report Headers

AgentLoginLogout Report Header FieldsTypeExampleDescription
agent_skNumber3The unique id of the agent in a database
agentloginlogout_skNumber3The unique id of each agent login/logout in a database
etl_ticket_idNumber3The unique id of the record processed by ETL
login_timestampDateTime2024-07-16 08:09:33.837+00The timestamp of when agent logged in
logout_timestampDateTime2024-07-16 10:05:40.292+00The timestamp of when agent logged out
logon_durationNumber2100000The amount of time in milliseconds that the agent has been logged in within the reporting period
created_onDateTime2024-07-16 08:37:51.943336+00The date and time at which the record about agent's login period was created
last_changedDateTime2024-07-16 10:06:23.290716+00The date and time at which the agent login/logout record was last altered
supervisor_skNumber3The unique id of the supervisor in a database
agent_idString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique id of the agent associated with this data. This value should be specified when using the Historical API to get agent dimension data
agent_login_idStringjsmith@example.comThe login id of the agent
agent_first_nameStringJohnThe first name of the agent
agent_last_nameStringSmithThe last name of the agent
agent_display_nameStringJohn, SmithThe display name of the agent
agent_user_handleString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The user handle of the agent
agent_typeStringAgentThe role associated with the user
attributesString[{"value": "English", "category": "Language"}]List of attributes assigned to an agent
row_active_dateDateTime2024-07-15 15:22:06.110416+00The date and time when this account was created and activated
row_inactive_dateDateTime2024-07-19 07:35:46.615958+00The date and time when this account was de-activated
  • t
  • f
Indicates if this record is the current active record for the logical key
  • t
  • f
Indicates if the user is an UNKNOWN. This means we only have the agent_id but do not have agent name or other dimension properties
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the entity has been deleted from NGM
  • t
  • f
Indicates that the record has been redacted as a result of a GDPR request