

This Measure Producer calculates measures relating to the engagements handled by individual agents with the reporting period.

ProcessorType: Interval To Date (ITD)

Data dictionary

Note: Duration and Time measures are expressed in milli-seconds.

abandonedFromAlertingNumber3A count of engagements abandoned while alerting at an agent within the reporting period.
activeDurationDuration918000Total active duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent.
acwCountNumber3The number of times an agent entered ACW (After Contact Work).
acwDurationDuration390000The amount of time the agent spent in ACW (After Contact Work) during the reporting period.
adHocEmailInitiatedNumber3A count of ad-hoc emails initiated per agent.
adHocEmailSentNumber3A count of ad-hoc emails sent per agent.
agentDisplayNameStringJohn, SmithDisplay Name which is provided when user is added in application center.
agentFirstNameStringJohnAgent's first name provided when a new user is created in application center.
agentIdString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique identifier for the agent.
agentLastNameStringSmithAgent's last name provided when a new user is created in application center.
agentLoginIdStringjsmith@example.comLogin Id provided when a new user is created in application center.
agentLogonDurationDuration2100000The amount of time the agent was logged in during the reporting period.
agentNotReadyReasonCodeDurationDuration30000The amount of time an agent was in a Not Ready state while using a reason code during the reporting period.
agentStateStringREADYIndicates agent’s state. States are: LOGGED_IN, READY, NOT_READY, LOGGED_OUT
agentVoiceCallStateStringNOT IN CALLThe current state of an agent in a voice call. The agent states are:
The measure value will be empty in the following cases:
- If the agent receives interactions from non-voice channels.
- If the agent has no prior voice interactions.
alertDurationDuration30000Total alert duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent.
alertingNumber3The number of alerting engagements at an agent.
AnsweredNumber3Count of the number of contacts which were answered by the agent.
bargedNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. Counted against the agent.
bargedDurationDuration30000The amount of time a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period.
bargingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. Counted against the supervisor.
bargingDurationDuration30000The amount of time a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period.
coachedNumber3A count of the number of times an agent was coached within the reporting period.
coachedDurationDuration30000The amount of time an agent was coached within the reporting period.
coachingNumber3A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a coaching interaction within the reporting period.
coachingDurationDuration30000The amount of time a supervisor carried out a coaching interaction within the reporting period.
CompletedNumber3Count of the number of contacts which were completed successfully (disconnected successfully from agent or customer end).
compLogonDurationDuration30000The amount of time an agent was logged in to Avaya Workspaces within the reporting period.
compNotReadyReasonDurationDuration30000The amount of time an agent was in the Not Ready state while using a reason code within the reporting period.
compTotalTimeNotReadyNumber3The amount of time an agent was in the Not Ready state within the reporting period.
conferenceInitiatedToUserNumber3A count of interactions where an agent initiates a consultation call to another agent that ends as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call when the agent completes the call as a conference.
conferenceAcceptedFromUserNumber3A count of interactions where an agent answers a consultation call from another agent that ends as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call when the agent initiating the call completes the call as a conference.
conferenceInitiatedToQueueNumber3A count of interactions where an agent initiates a consultation call to a queue that ends as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call.
conferenceAcceptedFromQueueNumber3A count of interactions where an agent answered a consultation call from another agent that ended as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call.
consultInitiatedToUserNumber3A count of interactions that an agent initiated as a consultation call with another user. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call.
consultAcceptedFromUserNumber3A count of consult to user calls answered by an agent within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call.
consultInitiatedToQueueNumber3A count of interactions that an agent initiated as a consultation call to another queue. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call.
consultAcceptedFromQueueNumber3A count of consult to queue calls answered by an agent within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call.
consultedDurationDuration30000The duration an agent was in a consultation call with another agent. The duration is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format.
consultingDurationDuration30000The duration an agent spent consulting another agent. The duration is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format.
consultToExternalNumber3A count of interactions where an agent initiated a consultation call with a user with an external number.
consultingExternalDurationDuration30000The duration an agent spent consulting a user with an external number.
conferenceToExternalNumber3A count of external consultation calls that resulted in a conference.
externalCallsDurationDuration30000The amount of time the agent spent on external calls during the reporting period.
externalVoiceCallsNumber3Acount of external voice calls made by the agent within the reporting period.
ForwardedNumber3Count of the number of email contacts forwarded by an agent.
HoldNumber3Count of the number of contacts which were put on hold by the agent.
holdDurationDuration30000Total active duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent.
idleTimeDurationDuration30000The amount of time agent is not active on an engagement but available for work.
NotAnsweredNumber3A count of engagements not answered by the agent within the reporting period.
OfferedNumber3Count of the number of contacts which were routed and agent received workcard for the same.
reasonCodeNameStringLunch breakReason Code Name, the name of the reason code.
timeActiveTime in state30000A continuous count of time in 'ACTIVE' state in real-time reports.
timeInACWTime in state30000A continuous count of the time an agent is in ACW (After Contact Work) in real-time reports.
timeInStateTime in state30000A continuous count of time in agent state in real-time reports.
timeLoggedInTime in state30000A continuous count of time in 'logged in' in real-time reports.
timeOnHoldTime in state30000A continuous count of time in 'HOLD' state in real-time reports.
totalTimeNotReadyTime in state30000The amount of time the agent has been in a 'Not Ready' state during the reporting period.
transferAcceptedFromQueueNumber3Count of the number of contacts answered by an agent which had been transferred to a Queue.
transferAcceptedFromUserNumber3A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferFromUser was successful.
transferInitiatedToQueueNumber3Count of the number of transfer initiated by an agent to the Queue.
transferInitiatedToQueueWithDraftNumber3The number of times an email draft is transferred from an agent to a queue within the reporting interval.
transferInitiatedToUserNumber3A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was initiated.
transferInitiatedToUserWithDraftNumber3The number of times an email draft is transferred from an agent to a supervisor or another agent within the reporting interval.
transferToExternalCancelledNumber3A count of transfer to external cancelled calls per agent/channel.
transferToExternalFailedNumber3A count of transfer to external failed calls per agent/channel.
transferToExternalInitiatedNumber3A count of transfer to external initiated calls per agent/channel.
transferToQueueCancelledNumber3Count of the number of transfer cancelled by an agent.
transferToQueueFailedNumber3Count of the number of transfer failed.
transferToUserCancelledNumber3A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was cancelled.
transferToUserFailedNumber3A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser failed.
userStatusString3Status of the user indicating if the user is 'Live' or 'Deleted' on the system.
warmTransferToExternalNumber3A count of interactions that resulted in a transfer to an external number.
warmTransferInitiatedToUserNumber3A count of interactions where a consultation call to the user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to another agent.
warmTransferAcceptedFromUserNumber3A count of interactions where a consultation call to a user resulted in an agent accepting the transfer from the user.
warmTransferInitiatedToQueueNumber3A count of interactions where a consultation call to a queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the queue.
warmTransferAcceptedFromQueueNumber3A count of interactions where a consultation call to the queue resulted in an agent accepting a transfer from the queue.

Sample data

    "agentDisplayName":"realtimechatagent3, realtimechatagent3",