Dialog Detail

Dialog detail


This Measure Producer calculates summary information for every customer engagement.

ProcessorType: Contact Detail Record (CDR)

Data dictionary

abandonedIndicatorString0An indicator marking the dialog was abandoned while alerting at an agent.
acwEndTimestampDate1666798444The timestamp when an agent completed ACW (After Contact Work).
acwIndicatorString1Flag indicating an agent entered ACW for an engagement.
acwStartTimestampDate1666798444The timestamp when an agent entered ACW (After Contact Work).
agentDisplayNameStringJohn, SmithDisplay Name which is provided when user is added in application center.
agentFirstNameStringJohnAgent's first name provided when a new user is created in application center.
agentIdString68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757The unique identifier for the agent.
agentInitiatedDisconnectString0This measure is an indicator that an engagement was disconnected by the agent.
agentLastNameStringSmithAgent's last name provided when a new user is created in application center.
agentLoginIdStringjsmith@example.comLogin Id provided when a new user is created in application center.
answeredTimestampDate1666798444The timestamp when the engagement was answered by an agent. (epoch)
bargeEndTimestampDate1666798444The timestamp of the Barge In completed. (epoch)
bargeIndicatorString0An indicator marking the agent was barged by a supervisor.
bargeStartTimestampDate1666798444The timestamp of the Barge In started. (epoch)
businessAccountNameStringAcme Ltd.Business account configured on provider, on which the message came in or using which the message will be sent out.
channelIdStringVoiceChannel Id configured in application center when a channel is added. Channels are: Chat, Email, Messaging.
channelTypeStringVoiceIndicates the type of the channel for the engagement (Chat, Email, Messaging).
coachIndicatorString1An indicator marking the agent was coached by a supervisor.
coachTimestampDate1666798444The timestamp of the Coaching started. (epoch)
conferenceIndicatorString0Indicates that the interaction involved a consult that resulted in a conference.
conferenceToExternalIndicatorString0Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult to an external contact that resulted in the conference for the engagement.
consultInitiatedToUserIndicatorString0Indicates if an agent initiated a consult to user call for the engagement.
consultAcceptedFromUserIndicatorString0Indicates if a consulted agent answered a consult to agent call for the engagement.
consultInitiatedToQueueIndicatorString0Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-queue for the engagement that may or may not be accepted by the consulted queue.
consultAcceptedFromQueueIndicatorString0Indicates if a consult-to-queue request for the engagement was accepted by an agent.
consultToExternalIndicatorString0Indicates the consults initiated by an agent to an external number and it accepted by the external party.
consultToExternalNumberStringE1:1996da2394d9121638os56te8af46bbe231c953fExternal Address the agent consulted
dialogIdStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31The unique identifier for the dialog. For an Engagement Id there can be one or multiple Dialog Id between two participants. The participants can be agents, customers, services, applications (e.g. IVR).
dialogStartTimeDate1666798444Timestamp when the dialog started, default timestamp format configured is "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss a". This will show the timestamp in AM/PM format.
directionStringINCOMINGIndicates the direction of the text message for Chat, Messaging or direction of Email. Directions are: INCOMING, OUTGOING
dispositionCodeIdStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31Disposition Code Id, the unique identifier of the disposition code.
engagementIdStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31The unique identifier associated with an engagement.
engagementQueuedTimestampDate1666798444The time the interaction first enters a queue. It is only calculated if an inbound interaction is queued before an agent handles it.
engagementOfferedTimestampDate1666798444The time when the interaction is first offered to an agent.
engagementStartTimestampDate1666798444The start timestamp for the engagement.(epoch)
engagementSourceStringFacebookThe external system that is the source of the interaction. For example:
- For social media messaging interactions, the Engagement Source displays Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or X (Twitter).
- For WebRTC interactions, the Engagement Source displays WebRTC.
- For messaging interactions, the Engagement Source displays Web messenger.
externalCallIndicatorString0A CDR measure for external voice calls an agent makes.
externalParticipantIdStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31The unique identifier of the external participant for the engagement.
messageTypeStringNEWIndicates the type of message. NEW for incoming Chat, Messaging, Email. FORWARD when the Email is forwarded.
offeredAttributesStringThe attributes for the engagement offered to an agent.
providerIdStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31Unique Provider Id for the channel.
queuedAttributesStringThe attributes for the engagement while on queue.
queueIdStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31Queue Id, the unique identifier of the Queue.
sendFromStringsender@acme.comThe email address from where incoming email has been received.
sendToStringdestination@acme.comThe email address to which outbound email has been sent.
stateStringALERTINGIndicates the current state of the engagement. States are: ALERTING, ACTIVE
subjectStringrequest for supportThe subject specified in the incoming email.
sourceAddressStringa8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31The address of the engagement source. For example, for social media interactions such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, the Source Address displays the Business Page Name or Profile Name. For X (Twitter), the Source Address displays the Account Name. For WebRTC interactions, the Source Address displays the Integration ID or Integration name.Avaya Experience Platform™ Public Cloud agents and customers use this source to interact with each other.
transferIndicatorString1An indicator marking the dialog was transferred to a user.
warmTransferToUserIndicatorString1Indicates when a consult to user resulted in a transfer.
warmTransferToQueueIndicatorString1Indicates when a consult to queue resulted in a transfer.
warmTransferToExternalIndicatorString1Indicates if the Agent initiated a consult-to-external that resulted in the Transfer for the engagement.