Analytics Realtime Data API

Async API Definition

Analytics Realtime Data 0.1.1 documentation

Analytics Realtime Data provides a mechanism for third-party clients to subscribe for Analytics Realtime Data. Measures for an Event Source and Measure Producer will be produced as Realtime Data onto an outgoing websocket.


Analytics Realtime Data hosts a websocket endpoint which allow clients to consume realtime data that has been produced by Analytics.

Connecting to the WebSocket

In order to receive data from the websocket the client must first subscribe as a consumer via Notification API.

Creating a Subscription

The Notification API provides REST API's to add, update or delete subscriptions. Clients that make a subscription request to Notification API to receive a subscription response containing the websocket endpoint. Once a subscription response has been obtained the client can subscribe to the websocket endpoint for Realtime data.

Realtime Data Filtering and Processing

Once the client is connected to the WebSocket they will receive initialization messages containing a snapshot of the most up to date values for all the measures calculated for a Measure Producer.

Once the initialization process is complete, the client will start receiving live messages.

Table of Contents


production Server

wss://{server}:{port}/ws/notificationwssAfter connection to the websocket a new session is created.

URL Variables

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
port443443Secure connection (TLS) is available through port 443.

Security Requirements



/v1/analytics/realtime Channel

publish Operation

Ping Server.

Accepts one of the following messages:

Message ping

Client can ping server to determine whether connection is alive, server responds with pong. The ping is also used to keep the websocket connection alive, by keep sending ping messages every pingInterval time to the server. The Client calls the ping method on the websocket framework library API for whichever programming language that is used by the client to establish the websocket.

  • Heartbeat
Message authentication

The first message the client should send to server after establish the connection must be an authentication message.

NameTypeDescriptionAccepted values
event (required)stringauthentication - A constant parameter.Any
subscriptionIdstringThe unique 36 character internal id that represents the subscription.Any
token (required)stringOAuth2 tokenAny

Examples of payload


Example of an authentication message to server.

  "event": "authentication",
  "subscriptionId": "fdbec917-e76e-4645-8120-4eac46f29488",
  "token": "eyJqa3UiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBpLWRldi5hdmF5YS5jb21cL2FjY2Vzc3Rva2VuXC9qd2tz"
  • Authentication

subscribe Operation

Outgoing Realtime Data

Accepts one of the following messages:

Message Event data
NameTypeDescriptionAccepted values
keysobjectUnique keys associated with the measure set. e.g. channelId, agentId.
Note: All values are returned in string form (even numbers).Any
eventActionstringEvent Action. Can be either UPSERT (update or insert) to DELETE.UPSERT, DELETE
measureProducerIdstringThe unique ID for the measure dimensions produced from Analytics. Measures are defined on entities such as contacts, agents etc, and are typically counts or durations, for example the number of contacts waiting, the number of contacts offered to agents.Any
payloadTypestringThe payloadType Enum indicates if Analytics is sending “initialization” or “live” messages:
  • INITIALIZING: The payload contains a snapshot of the most up to date values for all the measures calculated for the Measure Producer.
  • LIVE: The payload contains newly calculated measures. | INITIALIZING, LIVE |
    | measures | object | Property which can be calculated by events in the system. e.g. AgentState, Time On Hold, Calls Waiting, Total Call Duration.
    Note: All values are returned in string form (even numbers). | Any |
    | eventSourceId | string | The unique ID for the source of incoming events for Analytics. | Any |
    | accountId | string | The unique ID of the customer account | Any |

Examples of payload

example 1

Example of an "INITIALIZING" message.

  "accountId": "EZCLTR",
  "keys": {
    "channelId": "EMAIL"
  "eventAction": "UPSERT",
  "eventSourceId": "IXCC_1.0.0",
  "measureProducerId": "Queue_itd_1.0.0",
  "payloadType": "INITIALIZING",
  "measures": {
    "coached": "2",
    "isDefaultQueue": "false",
    "activeDuration": "922",
    "active": "0",
    "activeEngagementsInACW": "0",
    "contactsQueueing": "2",
    "Answered": "4",
    "coachingDuration": "309",
    "queueName": "Natella",
    "coachedDuration": "309",
    "activeAgentsInACW": "0",
    "alertDuration": "5",
    "Completed": "4",
    "coaching": "2",
    "Offered": "4"

example 2

Example of an "LIVE" message.

  "accountId": "EZCLTR",
  "keys": {
    "agentId": "9f44ed4e-24ee-4e50-98af-02582e440be5"
  "eventAction": "UPSERT",
  "eventSourceId": "IXCC_1.0.0",
  "measureProducerId": "Agent_itd_1.0.0",
  "payloadType": "LIVE",
  "measures": {
    "reasonCodeName": "N/A",
    "timeInState": "1643645393849",
    "agentLoginId": "[email protected]",
    "userStatus": "Live",
    "agentLastName": "agent7",
    "agentDisplayName": "agent7",
    "timeOnHold": "0",
    "timeLoggedIn": "1643645393849",
    "timeActive": "0",
    "idleTimeDuration": "36000",
    "agentLogonDuration": "36000",
    "timeInACW": "0",
    "agentState": "READY",
    "agentFirstName": "agent7"
  • Event Data
Message pong

Server pong response to a ping message. The ping message is sent by the client to the server using the programming lanuguage websocket framework library API ping method. The client listens for the pong message with the specialized pong listener of the programming language websocket framework library API.

  • Heartbeat
Message authenticationResponse

Authentication response message sent to the client after websocket authentication.

NameTypeDescriptionAccepted values
event (required)stringauthenticationResponse - A constant parameter.Any
statusstringThe notificationType Enum indicates the type of the notification, that can be:
  • CONNECTION_CONFIRMED: Connection was confirmed
  • CONNECTION_FAILED_INVALID_TOKEN: Authentication token is invalid
  • CONNECTION_FAILED_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION: Unknown Subscription, can be for a subscription that never existed or one that is no longer active
  • CONNECTION_FAILED_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: Server Error, client can retry later

Examples of payload


Example of a authentication message to client.

  "event": "authenticationResponse",
  • Authentication