Agent by Channel
Agent by channel
This Measure Producer calculates measures relating to the engagements handled by individual agents and grouped by channel with the reporting period.
ProcessorType: Interval To Date (ITD)
Data dictionary
Note: Duration and Time measures are expressed in milli-seconds.
Measure | Type | Example | Description |
abandonedFromAlerting | Number | 3 | A count of engagements abandoned while alerting at an agent within the reporting period. |
activeDuration | Duration | 918000 | Total active duration of all the contacts over the specific channel. |
activeEngagements | Number | 3 | The current count of the active engagements for an agent. |
acwCount | Number | 3 | The number of times an agent entered ACW (After Contact Work). |
acwDuration | Duration | 390000 | The amount of time the agent spent in ACW (After Contact Work) during the reporting period. |
adHocEmailInitiated | Number | 3 | A count of ad-hoc emails initiated per agent/channel. |
adHocEmailSent | Number | 3 | A count of ad-hoc emails sent per agent/channel. |
agentDisplayName | String | John, Smith | Display Name which is provided when user is added in application center. |
agentFirstName | String | John | Agent's first name provided when a new user is created in application center. |
agentId | String | 68374d8c-fbd4-44be-9712-b4ed6f38e757 | The unique identifier for the agent. |
agentLastName | String | Smith | Agent's last name provided when a new user is created in application center. |
agentLoginId | String | [email protected] | Login Id provided when a new user is created in application center. |
agentVoiceCallState | String | NOT IN CALL | The current state of an agent in a voice call. The agent states are: - NOT IN CALL - ALERTING - ACTIVE - ACW - HOLD - CONSULTING - CONSULT ALERTING - CONSULTED - CONSULT HOLD - CONFERENCE The measure value will be empty in the following cases: - If the agent receives interactions from non-voice channels. - If the agent has no prior voice interactions. |
alertDuration | Duration | 30000 | Total alert duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent. |
alerting | Number | 3 | The number of alerting engagements at an agent. |
Answered | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were answered by the agent. |
barged | Number | 3 | A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. Counted against the agent. |
bargedDuration | Duration | 30000 | The amount of time a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. |
barging | Number | 3 | A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. Counted against the supervisor. |
bargingDuration | Duration | 30000 | The amount of time a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. |
channelId | String | Voice | Channel Id configured in application center when a channel is added. |
channelIdleTimeDuration | Duration | 390000 | The amount of time an agent's channel is not active on an engagement but available for work. |
channelState | String | CHANNEL_LOGGED_IN | Indicates current state of the channel assigned to the agent. Channel states are: CHANNEL_LOGGED_IN, CHANNEL_READY, CHANNEL_NOT_READY, CHANNEL_LOGGED_OUT, CHANNEL_LOGIN_FAILED |
channelStateTimestamp | Date | 1666798444 | Timestamp when the channel transitioned to the respective state. (epoch) |
channelType | String | Voice | Indicates the channel name of the engagement. |
channelWorkState | String | Idle | The work state of the agent's channel: Unavailable - indicates the agent is either logged out or not ready, Idle - Indicates the agent is ready and not active on any contacts for the channel, Available - Indicates the agent is active on at least one contact for the channel but not all their multiplicity slots are filled, Busy - Indicates the agent is active on channel and all multiplicity slots filled. |
coached | Number | 3 | A count of the number of times an agent was coached within the reporting period. |
coachedDuration | Duration | 30000 | The amount of time an agent was coached within the reporting period. |
coaching | Number | 3 | A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a coaching interaction within the reporting period. |
coachingDuration | Duration | 30000 | The amount of time a supervisor carried out a coaching interaction within the reporting period. |
Completed | Number | 3 | A count of completed engagements for an agent within the reporting period. |
conferenceInitiatedToUser | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where an agent initiates a consultation call to another agent that ends as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call when the agent completes the call as a conference. |
conferenceAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where an agent answers a consultation call from another agent that ends as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call when the agent initiating the call completes the call as a conference. |
conferenceInitiatedToQueue | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where an agent initiates a consultation call to a queue that ends as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call. |
conferenceAcceptedFromQueue | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where an agent answered a consultation call from another agent that ended as a conference within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call. |
consultInitiatedToUser | Number | 3 | A count of interactions that an agent initiated as a consultation call with another user. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call. |
consultAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of consult to user calls answered by an agent within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call. |
consultInitiatedToQueue | Number | 3 | A count of interactions that an agent initiated as a consultation call to another queue. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call. |
consultAcceptedFromQueue | Number | 3 | A count of consult to queue calls answered by an agent within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call. |
consultedDuration | Duration | 30000 | The duration an agent was in a consultation call with another agent. The duration is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format. |
consultingDuration | Duration | 30000 | The duration an agent spent consulting another agent. The duration is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format. |
consultToExternal | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where an agent initiated a consultation call with a user with an external number. |
consultingExternalDuration | Duration | 30000 | The duration an agent spent consulting a user with an external number. |
conferenceToExternal | Number | 3 | A count of external consultation calls that resulted in a conference. |
exclusivityCount | Number | 3 | A count of times the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority) was activated. The metric increments by 1 when the agent on an active voice interaction enters the Exclusivity Mode, blocking all other digital interactions. |
exclusivityDuration | Duration | 30000 | The time an agent spent in the Exclusivity Mode (Voice Priority), blocking all other digital interactions. |
Forwarded | Number | 3 | Count of the number of email contacts forwarded by an agent. |
Hold | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were put on hold by the agent. |
holdDuration | Duration | 30000 | Total active duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent. |
NotAnswered | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were not answered by the agent. |
Offered | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were routed and agent received work card for the same. |
timeActive | Time in state | A continuous count of time in 'ACTIVE' state. | |
timeOnHold | Time in state | Ticker that shows the time since how long the agent is on hold. | |
transferAcceptedFromQueue | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts answered by an agent which had been transferred to a Queue. |
transferAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferFromUser was successful. |
transferInitiatedToQueue | Number | 3 | Count of the number of transfer initiated by an agent to the Queue. |
transferInitiatedToQueueWithDraft | Number | 3 | The number of times an email draft is transferred from an agent to a queue within the reporting interval. |
transferInitiatedToUser | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was initiated. |
transferInitiatedToUserWithDraft | Number | 3 | The number of times an email draft is transferred from an agent to a supervisor or another agent within the reporting interval. |
transferToExternalCancelled | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external cancelled calls per agent/channel. |
transferToExternalFailed | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external failed calls per agent/channel. |
transferToExternalInitiated | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external initiated calls per agent/channel. |
transferToQueueCancelled | Number | 3 | Count of the number of transfer cancelled by an agent. |
transferToQueueFailed | Number | 3 | Count of the number of transfer failed. |
transferToUserCancelled | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was cancelled. |
transferToUserFailed | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser failed. |
warmTransferToExternal | Number | 3 | A count of interactions that resulted in a transfer to an external number. |
workLimit | Number | 3 | The current multiplicity count for an agent. |
warmTransferInitiatedToUser | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where a consultation call to the user resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to another agent. |
warmTransferAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where a consultation call to a user resulted in an agent accepting the transfer from the user. |
warmTransferInitiatedToQueue | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where a consultation call to a queue resulted in an agent initiating a transfer to the queue. |
warmTransferAcceptedFromQueue | Number | 3 | A count of interactions where a consultation call to the queue resulted in an agent accepting a transfer from the queue. |
Sample data
"agentLoginId":"[email protected]",
"agentDisplayName":"realtimechatagent3, realtimechatagent3",
Updated 4 months ago