This Measure Producer calculates measures relating to the engagements handled by groups with the reporting period.
ProcessorType: Interval To Date (ITD)
Data dictionary
Measure | Type | Example | Description |
abandonedFromAlerting | Number | 3 | Count of the total number of contacts which were disconnected successfully from customer end while alerting at agents assigned to the group. |
adHocEmailInitiated | Number | 3 | A count of ad-hoc emails initiated per group. |
adHocEmailSent | Number | 3 | A count of ad-hoc emails sent per group. |
Answered | Number | 3 | Count of the total number of contacts which were answered by the agents assigned to the group. |
Completed | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were completed successfully (disconnected successfully from agent or customer end). |
consultAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of consult to user calls answered by an agent within the reporting period. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who answered the consultation call. |
consultedDuration | Number | 30000 | The duration an agent was in a consultation call with another agent. The duration is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format. |
consultingDuration | Duration | 30000 | The duration an agent spent consulting another agent. The duration is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format. |
consultInitiatedToUser | Duration | 3 | A count of interactions that an agent initiated as a consultation call with another user. The metric increments by 1 for the agent who initiated the consultation call. |
groupId | String | a8bcdae8-21e1-45cc-81a1-6328c1041d31 | Group Id which is auto generated when a Group is created. |
groupName | String | Sales | Name associated when a Group is created. |
groupStatus | String | LIVE | Indicates the state of the Group, LIVE or DELETED |
NotAnswered | Number | 3 | Count of the total number of contacts which were not answered by the agents assigned to the group. |
Offered | Number | 3 | Count of the total number of contacts which were routed to the agents assigned to the group. |
transferAcceptedFromQueue | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a single step transfer from queue was successful. |
transferAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferFromUser was successful. |
transferInitiatedToQueue | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a single step transfer to queue was initiated. |
transferInitiatedToUser | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was initiated. |
transferToExternalCancelled | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external cancelled calls per agent/channel. |
transferToExternalFailed | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external failed calls per agent/channel. |
transferToExternalInitiated | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external initiated calls per agent/channel. |
transferToQueueCancelled | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a single step transfer to queue was cancelled. |
transferToQueueFailed | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToQueue failed. |
transferToUserCancelled | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was cancelled. |
transferToUserFailed | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser failed. |
Sample data
Updated 4 months ago