CRM Connector Features

CRM Connector Features

Welcome to the CRM Connector Features documentation page. Here, you will find detailed information about the various features our solution offers. The features are organized into subcategories to help you quickly find the information you need. Each subcategory provides an in-depth look at the functionalities and benefits of the features included and also boilerplate code to quickly get you up to speed with the development of your application.


  • ready: Indicates that the system or application is fully loaded and ready for user interaction.
  • requestCRMData: Sends a request to retrieve data from the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
  • requestResizeSoftphoneWidth: Requests to change the width of the softphone interface.
  • requestResizeSoftphoneHeight: Requests to change the height of the softphone interface.
  • getCRMDirectory: Retrieves the directory or list of contacts from the CRM system.
  • enableClickToDial: Activates the click-to-dial feature, allowing users to initiate calls by clicking on a phone number.
  • clickToDialResponse: Handles the response after a click-to-dial action is performed.
  • requestNavigateToClickToDialResult: Requests navigation to the result or outcome of a click-to-dial action.
  • requestPerformInteractionScreenPop: Requests to display a screen pop-up for an interaction, typically used in call centers.
  • requestOpenReports: Sends a request to open and display reports.
  • requestSaveInteractionLog: Requests to save the log of an interaction, such as a call or chat session.
  • pageNavigated: Indicates that the user has navigated to a different page within the application.

Discover how our CRM Connector solution can benefit you by exploring each feature's subcategory.