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This page talks about Timetable Admin in Avaya Experience Platform™.


At the center of a timetable API design there's the entity - timetable - that represents all business hours of a Contact Center account.


A timetable consists of:

  • A list of day intervals

    • A set of days of the week and business hours interval for these days
    • For example, one days interval - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00-18:00
    • STAFFED by default
  • A list of date intervals

    • A set of specific dates and business hours interval
    • For example, 2021-01-01, 2021-01-02, 2021-01-03, 8:00-13:00
    • STAFFED by default
  • A list of holidays

    • A specific date-time interval, during which the contact center does not work
    • UNSTAFFED by default

The priority of these entities, from high to low, is holidays > dates intervals > days intervals.

For example, we have a default working week:

  • A days interval:
    • days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, time - 8:00-13:00
    • days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, time - 14:00-20:00
  • Holidays: November 4-5
  • Dates interval: dates - 2021-11-03, time - 8:00-15:00

As a result:

  1. November 4-5 are holidays (non-working days).
  2. November 3 is a shortened working day from 8:00 to 15:00 before the holiday.
  3. The others are ordinary weekdays with business hours from 8:00 to 20:00 with the lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00.

Timetable Resource

A Timetable is composed of:

  • timetableId
    • The unique 36 character internal id that represents the timetable.
  • name
    • The name of the timetable. Timetable names are not unique.
  • description
    • The description of the timetable.
  • timeZone
  • autoDaylightSavingTime
    • When true auto daylight saving time will be enabled. Default value is false.

Creating a Timetable

To create a timetable, you must provide a name, description, and a timeZone in IANA TZ Database Format. Optionally, autoDaylightSavingTime can be enabled, false by default.

POST /timetables

  "name": "Timetable 2021",
  "description": "A timetable for 2021 that contains a five-day working week without interruptions",
  "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin",
  "autoDaylightSavingTime": true

After creation, you will receive a timetableId, which you should then use to refer to the timetable from that point on.

HTTP 201 Created

  "timetableId": "8c872648-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
  "name": "Timetable 2021",
  "description": "A timetable for 2021 that contains a five-day working week without interruptions",
  "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin",
  "autoDaylightSavingTime": true

Retrieving a Timetable

To retrieve a timetable, you simply need to provide the timetableId.

GET /timetables/{timetableId}



  "timetableId": "8c872648-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
  "name": "Timetable 2021",
  "description": "A timetable for 2021 that contains a five-day working week without interruptions",
  "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin",
  "autoDaylightSavingTime": true

Listing Timetables

Multiple timetables for an account can be retrieved using the List Timetables API which is paginated.

GET /timetables



  "pagination": {
    "pageNumber": 2,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": 11
  "timetables": [
      "timetableId": "8c872648-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
      "name": "Timetable 2021",
      "description": "A timetable for 2021 that contains a five-day working week without interruptions",
      "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin",
      "autoDaylightSavingTime": true
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": ""


Holidays are non-working days that can be configured for the timetables.

A Holiday is composed of:

  • holidayId
    • The unique 36 character internal id that represents the holiday.
  • name
    • The name of the holiday. Holiday names are not unique.
  • description
    • The description of the holiday.
  • dates
    • List of specific dates the holiday applies to.

Creating a Holiday

To create a holiday, you must provide a name, and the list of dates in YYYY-MM-DD format that the holiday spans. Optionally, a description can be provided.

As holidays exist within timetables you'll also need the parent timetableId in the path.

POST /timetables/{timetableId}/holidays

  "name": "Christmas Holidays",
  "description": "Christmas holidays",
  "dates": [

After creation, you will receive a holidayId, which you should then use to refer to the holiday from that point on.

HTTP 201 Created

  "holidayId": "72f456b0-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
  "name": "Christmas Holidays",
  "description": "Christmas holidays",
  "dates": [

Retrieving a Holiday

To retrieve a holiday, you simply need to provide the timetableId & holidayId.

GET /timetables/{timetableId}/holidays/{holidayId}



  "holidayId": "72f456b0-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
  "name": "Christmas Holidays",
  "description": "Christmas holidays",
  "dates": [

Listing Holidays

Multiple holidays for a timetable can be retrieved using the List Holidays API which is paginated.

GET /timetables/{timetableId}/holidays



  "pagination": {
    "pageNumber": 2,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": 12
  "holidays": [
      "holidayId": "72f456b0-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
      "name": "Christmas Holidays",
      "description": "Christmas holidays",
      "dates": [
      "holidayId": "fef7047e-2b72-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
      "name": "Saint Patrick's Day",
      "description": "Saint Patrick's Day",
      "dates": [
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": ""


Intervals are some days in timetable that are different from regular working days, e.g., reduced opening hours during the New Year holidays.

An Interval is composed of:

  • intervalId
    • The unique 36 character internal id that represents the interval.
  • name
    • The name of the interval. Interval names are not unique.
  • description
    • The description of the interval.
  • timeFrom
    • The start time of the interval in 24-hour format = ' HH:mm:ss' i.e. 08:00:00.
  • timeTo
    • The end time of the interval in 24-hour format = 'HH:mm:ss' i.e. 17:00:00.
  • type
    • DAYS or DATES.
  • appliesTo
    • List of specific dates (when type is DATES) or days (when type is DAYS) for which the time interval will be applied.
      • When type is DATES then list must contain dates in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd' containing no more than 366 days.
      • When type is DAYS the list must contain days of the week in the format 'dddd', it has to be no more than 7 days.

Creating an Interval

To create an interval, you must provide a name, description, timeFrom in HH:mm:ss format, timeTo in HH:mm:ss format, type, a list of appliesTo dates in YYYY-MM-dd format.

As intervals exist within timetables you'll also need the parent timetableId in the path.

POST /timetables/{timetableId}/intervals

  "name": "New Year's support",
  "description": "Reduced opening hours during the New Year holidays.",
  "timeFrom": "10:00:00",
  "timeTo": "15:00:00",
  "type": "DATES",
  "appliesTo": [

After creation, you will receive a intervalId, which you should then use to refer to the interval from that point on.

HTTP 201 Created

  "intervalId": "b2fb1032-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
  "name": "New Year's support",
  "description": "Reduced opening hours during the New Year holidays.",
  "timeFrom": "10:00:00",
  "timeTo": "15:00:00",
  "type": "DATES",
  "appliesTo": [

Retrieving an Interval

To retrieve an interval, you simply need to provide the intervalId.

GET /{timetableId}/intervals/{intervalId}



  "intervalId": "b2fb1032-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
  "name": "New Year's support",
  "description": "Reduced opening hours during the New Year holidays.",
  "timeFrom": "10:00:00",
  "timeTo": "15:00:00",
  "type": "DATES",
  "appliesTo": [

Listing Intervals

Multiple intervals for a timetable can be retrieved using the List Intervals API which is paginated. There are several optional filters that can be applied, refer to the API reference for more details.

GET /timetables/{timetableId}/intervals



  "pagination": {
    "pageNumber": 2,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": 11
  "intervals": [
      "intervalId": "b2fb1032-2b50-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003",
      "name": "New Year's support",
      "description": "Reduced opening hours during the New Year holidays.",
      "timeFrom": "10:00:00",
      "timeTo": "15:00:00",
      "type": "DATES",
      "appliesTo": [
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": ""