Cylance antivirus on MPP
Has Cylance antivirus been successfully utilized on AEP MPP Linux servers utilizing directory exclusions?
Custom widget and two chat interactions
I'm using AXP Chat widget + custom widget. My custom widget sends messages to the Chat widget using 'api.sendChatMessage(text);' For example the agent clicks on a quick answer in the custom widget and that quick answer is then sent to the Chat widget.
Custom widget: Network error for loading resource for the CUSTOM widget
Dear all,
mpp answers second time and no audio
I have an issue where after the MPP is restarted it answers and everything goes well.
How to send custom data with chat message to AXP?
Avaya Analytics Data Dictionary for Avaya Experience Platform (AxP)
Hello, I am looking for the Avaya Analytics Data Dictionary for Avaya Experience Platform (AxP). There is such dictionary available for Avaya Analytics for Oceana, but I need this one for Avaya Analytics for AxP.
3rd party Voice bot integration
Hi, When I try to create a subscription, I get the error message:
refresh_expires_in is 0
I am trying to use the refresh token instead of logging in, but I got a response with: ,"expires_in":900,"refresh_expires_in":0,"token_type":"Bearer","not-before-policy":0,"scope":"email profile"
What is the correct URI to make request to Alpha-2 env ?
I want to make a request to AXP API for a tenant who is at Alpha-2 environment.