Inbound calls no go to Offer Callback
May I know how to make my every call go to offer Callback? I have followed document https://support.avaya.com/css/public/documents/101086120 steps but most of time was flow to "No Offer Callback".
How to make a Widget scrollable ?
I use this layout in AXP, but need number 2 scrollable. Anyone know how to solve that?
Report does not show data in the dialed_number, calling_number fields.
Report does not show data in the dialed_number, calling_number fields.
Is there a way to set what queue to use within Orchestration?
Avaya cloud api: how can we see difference between an agent participant leaving event and transferring a chat?
Hi Avaya,
Generates an access token - Getting realm does not exist error
I am trying to generate access token to call Queue Metrics API but its showing following error.
singleStepTransferToService gives error 400 Bad Request
I try build a simple widget for transfer messaging-interations to other queues with Lit. Here is the function:
Widget Sample Library
Is there a sample widget library available for AXP?
Receiving a CORS issue when requesting an access token
I am writing a Workspaces widget that needs access to the customer journey API. I first need an access token that I'm getting from