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Avaya CCaaS Chat SDK [ERROR] ACS-302 : Invalid init parameters

Hi, I was tried to start a live chat after entered the first Name, Last Name, and Email.

AxP Widget Framework API changes/versioning

I noticed that the parameters for the sendRichMediaMessage() method seem to have changed at some point. The documentation currently shows the 3rd parameter as an optional callback function (in case of an error). The third parameter used to be a text fallback version of the message to be sent.

Async Messaging: customer ends session: how to end agent session?

I have successfully developed a “chat” application using Async Messaging and an intermediary NodeJS service that allows a customer on a website to chat with an agent.

Receiving a CORS issue when requesting an access token

I am writing a Workspaces widget that needs access to the customer journey API. I first need an access token that I'm getting from

How to specify Chat Integration Id in Chat APIs so that session/engagement created lands up on specific Integration Id

I have created a Chat Integration Id using Default Connector Type on my AXP Tenant: FCFSRQ

information about consulted party when doing a consultation call

When starting a consultation call, I can’t see in any event the details about the party I’m doing the consultation call with. Is there any specific event/field I should be looking at?