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Save Transcript API

Hi I am calling the following API ( <https://developers.avayacloud.com/avaya-experience-platform/reference/savetranscript> ) trying to save a transcript. The URL I am sending the request to is: <https://experience.api.avayacloud.com/api/digital/transcript/command/v1/accounts/MY_ACCOUNT_ID/engagements/33281129-d2a1-472d-984e-871d9e89a86f/dialogs/20373f90-d3fd-40b5-9ef4-cd16e2791657/transcripts> where MY_ACCOUNT_ID is replaced with the actual account id. At first I was getting a 400 bad request error due to a typo I made, I am now getting a 403 Forbidden error response: { type: '<https://developers.avayacloud.com/onecloud-ccaas/docs/error-handling#forbidden'>, title: 'Request Not Allowed.', status: 403, detail: 'Request Not Allowed', instance: '/api/digital/transcript/command/v1/accounts/MY_ACCOUNT_ID/engagements/33281129-d2a1-472d-984e-871d9e89a86f/dialogs/20373f90-d3fd-40b5-9ef4-cd16e2791657/transcripts' } I know I am authenticating properly.....any idea on what could be the issue here? <br /> Thanks!

Insteraction card dus not support HTML formating when send in body ?

we are using the custom messasing API for some e-mail intergration. ```Text curl {"businessAccountAddress":"Example01","emailFrom":"[email protected]","emailSubject":"Example mail","emailTo":" [email protected],"queue":"TEST0"} channelId:Messaging channelIdentifier:Messaging channelProviderId:******************** orchestrationFlow: Test01 ``` ``` ``` when we send the Body in HTML format, the AXP Workspaces interactions cards after on the top left of the screen below the channel icons shows> ![](https://files.readme.io/fc14c5a-image.png) Sender: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])<html><head>< meta **********************> Priority 5 IF we don't send the body in HTML format we will get the following Sender: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Subject: example e-mail Priority 5 ![](https://files.readme.io/98f8946-image.png)

Overview API families and functions included

Do we have a simple overview that explains, - which API families do we have (e.g. Admin, Digital, Chat, Analytics, ...) in general with a short description - which functions, methods, objects, events etc. are included per family e.g. list <object>, add <object>, update <object> etc.

Analytics Realtime API Documentation

Hello, <br /> Is there any documentation for creating a subscription for realtime monitoring? in the documentation it doesn't mention any example, details about "family": "ANALYTICS".

Customer browser disconnect functions

What will happen to messaging chat if the customer closed the chat via the Browser? What disconnect event message will be sent to AXP to disconnect the chat?

AXP-C compatibility

Hi I am looking at the following AXP API ( <https://developers.avayacloud.com/avaya-experience-platform/reference/getmetricsrequestpriorityattributesoptional> ) I am just wondering if this API also works for AXP C for webchat? Thanks!

Omni SDK - Calling FORBIDDEN

I'm testing the sample calling app Android and JS, but I'm getting 403 FORBIDDEN response at the "endpoints" request. POST <https://na.cc.avayacloud.com/uc3-connector/v1/webrtc-integrations/MyIntegrationID/endpoints> RESPONSE: { "type": "<https://developers.avayacloud.com/onecloud-ccaas/docs/error-handling">, "title": "FORBIDDEN", "status": 403, "detail": "WebRTC Voice is disabled" } The WebRTC option is checked on my integration, what could be wrong?

Avaya CCaaS Chat SDK [ERROR] ACS-302 : Invalid init parameters

Hi, I was tried to start a live chat after entered the first Name, Last Name, and Email. The request header was https\://{HOST-REGION}.api.avayacloud.com/auth/realms/{accountId}/protocol/openid-connect/token with request {grant_type=password&client_id=XX&client_secret=XX&username=XX&password=XX} I checked the response logs was abled to get the response JSON {access token,expires, refresh_expires_in, refresh_token, .....} but get error " Avaya CCaaS Chat SDK [ERROR] ACS-302 : Invalid init parameters." in console. How should I fix this?

Websocket connecting but not receiving chat messages

I'm writing a custom websocket server using the notification API in Nodejs. I create a new subscription with these options: <br /> `const options = { method: 'POST', headers: { accept: 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: Bearer ${this.axpAccessToken}, appkey: this.axpAppKey }, body: JSON.stringify({ "family": "AGENT_ENGAGEMENT", "events": [ "ALL" ], "transport": { "type": "WEBSOCKET" } }) };` and authenticate -> connect. When I start a chat I can see the traffic establishing a connection, but once the chat actually starts nothing is coming through. This happens whether I use a Chat or Async Messaging client and regardless of whether I run the code in NodeJS, or perform the equivalent calls in Postman. I'm requesting ALL events, so why am I not receiving the actual chat messages?

AxP Widget Framework API changes/versioning

I noticed that the parameters for the sendRichMediaMessage() method seem to have changed at some point. The documentation currently shows the 3rd parameter as an optional callback function (in case of an error). The third parameter used to be a text fallback version of the message to be sent. The documentation page <https://documentation.workspaces.avayacloud.com/widget-framework/docs/api-reference/widget-api/widget-api-methods#sendrichmediamessage> currently shows Version 4.194.5 in the upper right hand corner. Are notifications sent and/or release notes published when changes to the API are made? Is there a way to find out what has changed between the different versions? Cheers, Wilfred