timezone-widget source code
Where can I find the timezone-widget source code. This example is shown in the video training tutorial, but I can't find the source code for it. The tutorial does not show all the code and zips through the whole development process very quickly.
widget framework: conf/xfer methods
there are multiple methods available for conferencing and transferring a call - for example, for "singlestepConference" there is just plain singleStepConference(), and then ...ToTeam(), ...ToService() and ...ToUser()
information about consulted party when doing a consultation call
When starting a consultation call, I can’t see in any event the details about the party I’m doing the consultation call with. Is there any specific event/field I should be looking at?
AXP API documentation
Is there any documentation regarding the Orchestration Designer and Workstream Automation for AXP API integration?
Can any one share me screen shot for AXP UI
I need voice UI for AXP , how it looks , with all the buttons like making call, dial pad transfer conference , consult .
Bundle JS for Reference Chat Client?
Today, the AXP reference chat client comes in multiple JS files (avaya-ccaas-chat-sdk.js, chat-client.js, main.js, en.js, language-switcher.js). Our customer has a provisioning that can only auto-deploy a single bundled JS to their website. How can these files be merged into one?