This Measure Producer calculates measures relating to the engagements handled by individual channels with the reporting period.
ProcessorType: Interval To Date (ITD)
Data dictionary
Note: Duration and Time measures are expressed in milli-seconds.
Measure | Type | Example | Description |
abandonedFromAlerting | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were disconnected successfully from customer end while alerting at an agent. |
abandonedFromQueue | Number | 3 | A count of engagements abandoned while queueing within the reporting period. |
abandonTimeDuration | Duration | 390000 | The time taken before the contact was abandoned on a specific queue. |
active | Number | 3 | A count of active engagements on the channel. |
activeAgentsInACW | Number | 3 | A count of the current number of agents in acw per Queue. |
activeDuration | Duration | 390000 | Total active duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent. |
activeEngagementsInACW | Number | 3 | A count of the current number of engagements in acw per Queue. |
acwCount | Number | 3 | The number of times an agent entered ACW (After Contact Work). |
acwDuration | Duration | 390000 | The amount of time the agent spent in ACW (After Contact Work) during the reporting period. |
adHocEmailInitiated | Number | 3 | A count of ad-hoc emails initiated per channel. |
adHocEmailSent | Number | 3 | A count of ad-hoc emails sent per channel. |
alertDuration | Duration | 390000 | Total alert duration of all the contacts over all the channels for an agent. |
alerting | Number | 3 | The number of alerting engagements at an agent. |
Answered | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were answered by the agent. |
barged | Number | 3 | A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. Counted against the agent. |
bargedDuration | Duration | 390000 | The amount of time a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. |
barging | Number | 3 | A count of the number of times a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. Counted against the supervisor. |
bargingDuration | Duration | 390000 | The amount of time a supervisor carried out a barge in interaction within the reporting period. |
channelId | String | Voice | Channel Id configured when a channel is added. |
Completed | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were completed successfully (disconnected successfully from agent or customer end). |
Forwarded | Number | 3 | Count of the number of email contacts forwarded by an agent. |
holdDuration | Duration | 390000 | The amount of time between when a call is held to when the call is unheld or disconnected during the reporting period. |
NotAnswered | Number | 3 | A count of engagements not answered within the reporting period. |
Offered | Number | 3 | Count of the number of contacts which were routed, and agent received work card for the same. |
offeredToQueue | Number | 3 | A count of engagements offered to the Queue within the reporting period. |
transferAcceptedFromQueue | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a single step transfer from queue was successful. |
transferAcceptedFromUser | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferFromUser was successful. |
transferInitiatedToQueue | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a single step transfer to queue was initiated. |
transferInitiatedToUser | Number | 3 | A count of engagements where a SingleStepTransferToUser was initiated. |
transferToExternalCancelled | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external cancelled calls per agent/channel. |
transferToExternalFailed | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external failed calls per agent/channel. |
transferToExternalInitiated | Number | 3 | A count of transfer to external initiated calls per agent/channel. |
Sample data