Widget API logout & voiceinteraction to service
In our widget we want to build a logout button so the user can logout with one click. We can use the finishwork method from the Widget API but is there also a logout method we can use? Then the user is really logged out and not still connected.
For calling to a phone number we can use startVoiceInteraction method. Is there a method available to start a voice interaction to a service (queue)? Sometimes our agents call other teams (queues) with a question and then there is no active interaction.
Posted by Gido Potter 7 months ago
WidgetAPI instantiation issues in Avaya Cloud Workspaces
I have configured Workspaces to display custom Widget when the agent answers the call. Widget is getting displayed but unable to get the interaction id in the custom widget so could not instantiate the widgetAPI. Also some errors in the console when loading the widget. Its trying to load custom widget resource with the base URL of cloud workspace. Please help.
Posted by Nagendra Reddy 8 months ago
Adjusting style Neo CCS in widget
We are building our first widget for AXP Workspaces. In our company the standard is Vue JS for websites. So our widget is build in Vue JS 3 with Vite. We want to use the Neo CSS in the widget for the same look and feel.
But we have some problems with adjusting the CSS. We've added a style block in our Vue Page but this added style block isn't used in Workspaces. If we load the widget standalone in a webbrowser the style is loaded.
Is there any documentation how to use the CSS in Workspaces? Or does anyone have some tips how to do this?
Example of the code:
Test text from the vue page
<div class="neo-form custom-inline">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/neo.min.css" />
<div class="input-button-container">
<div class="neo-form-control">
<div class="neo-input-hintAAH">
Het telefoonnummer is niet correct.
Style in the vue page
.neo-input-hintAAH {
color: red;
max-width: 250px;
In Workspaces we see the text in black and cannot find the style .neo-input-hintAAH. In the standalone webpage the text is in red and we can find the style.
Posted by Gido Potter 9 months ago
Capturing workflow comments in an API
I have a webchat wworkflow that asks the following questions
> select your language, English Spanish or French
> > English
> > Accounts or Support?
> > Accounts
> transferring you now...
The entire conversation is shown in the chat window, but only the "transferring you now..." is passed in the onMediaMessageEvent in a tracking widget I've written. Is there another event that can catch this initial conversation?
Posted by Nick Wright 9 months ago
onParticipantsAdded Workspaces event not working as documented
I am trying to track the participants via a workspaces widget, and I am subscribing to the onParticipantsAdded event, but I am not getting any data in the payload element of the event message and the event message comes in at times that no participant has been added or removed.
I am using react-redux, this is the subscription request:
export function subscribeToParticipantsAdded(callback) {
console.log('In subscribeToParticipantsAdded()');
widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onParticipantsAdded', callback);
This is the dispatch code in the useEffect block that subscribes when the form is loaded:
subscribeToParticipantsAdded(data => {
This is the event reducer:
reducers: {
newParticipantAdded: (state, action) => {
console.log('New participant added, action = ' + JSON.stringify(action, null, 2));
This is what is logged to the javascript console:
bundle.js:2 New participant added, action = {
"type": "iniAgentService/newParticipantAdded",
"payload": []
Posted by George Erhart 9 months ago
Widget hosting - CORS settings recommendation
Are there any recommendations from Avaya side regarding the CORS configuration of the server used for hosting custom widgets?
Posted by Peter kamm 10 months ago
timezone-widget source code
Where can I find the timezone-widget source code. This example is shown in the video training tutorial, but I can't find the source code for it. The tutorial does not show all the code and zips through the whole development process very quickly.
Posted by George Erhart 10 months ago
widget framework: conf/xfer methods
there are multiple methods available for conferencing and transferring a call - for example, for "singlestepConference" there is just plain singleStepConference(), and then ...ToTeam(), ...ToService() and ...ToUser()
What is the difference between these? for "just plain" the parameter is "address" which I would guess means a E164 or SIP URI... for ...ToService() the parameter is "serviceID" - what is that? for ...ToTeam() the parameter is "address" - is this a reference to an AXP group? what happens if i conference a group? ...ToUser() has "userHandle" as the parameter - is this the agent login ID?
the example code in the documentation just shows a '3156' as the parameter in every case, so that is not a help.
Can someone explain what these all do, and what the intended behavior is in each case? Providing a link to a confluence page that explains it would be sufficient...
Posted by Nick Foad 10 months ago
Widget SDK for Screen Pop UP
Is it possible to customize the pop up screen in AXP with Widget Framework?
Posted by null 11 months ago
How to capture real-time voice streams (Raw Audio) using the Workspaces Widget?
Avaya Workspaces
How do we access and capture each participant's Real-time voice stream (WebRTC - Raw Audio) of an active Phone call using the Workspaces Widget?
Posted by Praveen 12 months ago